Group of Companies

On Site Services

Pipe Wrapping

SPEC offers a complete pipe wrapping service.

Services includes:

1.  Application Areas:

  • Pipelines in tunnel systems
  • Underground steel pipes
  • Pipes in open air areas (UV)
  • Pipe specials

2.  Contracts undertaken to date include:

  • Removal of old epoxy tar on pipeline and applying Denso wrapping system including a final coating system
  • 800NB pipeline Denso wrapped after applying an epoxy coating system. These pipes were welded together, welded area repaired and then buried in the ground (Cathodic Protected).

Any type of pipe specials for various purposes (buried, in valve chambers or in open air) and various clients

Control Testing Undertaken:

  • Continuity Testing (Wet Sponge and High voltage Holiday Testing)

Bitumen wrapping of pipe and flanges - Laing dam
Bitumen wrapping of pipe and flanges - Laing dam
Pipe to WTW in tunnel - Loerie - after
Pipe to WTW in tunnel - Loerie - after
Pipe to WTW in tunnel - Loerie WTW - before
Pipe to WTW in tunnel - Loerie WTW - before
Pipe wrapping complete - Van Stadens pipe bridge
Pipe wrapping complete - Van Stadens pipe bridge
Pipes to WTW buried in soil - Laing dam
Pipes to WTW buried in soil - Laing dam
Pipes to valve chamber buried in soil - Laing dam
Pipes to valve chamber buried in soil - Laing dam
pipe wrapping in progress - Van Stadens river pipe bridge
pipe wrapping in progress - Van Stadens river pipe bridge
Pipe wrapping in progress (2) - Van Stadens pipe bridge
Pipe wrapping in progress (2) - Van Stadens pipe bridge