Group of Companies

On Site Services

Mechanical Maintenance & Rehabilitation

SPEC offers on-site services in the fields of water (raw and potable) and sewerage related mechanical installations and refurbishment.

Services include:

  1. Maintenance - Rebuilding and repair of worn and corroded:

  • Valves, pumps, Aerators, Mixers, Scrapers
  • Industrial gearboxes, Biological Distributors
  • Filter Systems, channels
  • Sluices (radial, wall, emergency, buoyancy, etc), 
  • Screens (trash racks)
  • Clarifiers, Silo’s (all types)
  • Pipes & pipe specials (all sizes)
  • Platforms and staircases and many more.

Rebuilding of worn shafts and volute (pump) casings using hi-tech ceramic and metal filled epoxies, such as Chesterton (ARC or CP) products

2.  New installations - manufacturing & installations of new structures, i.e.:

  • Coffer units (Caissons)
  • Steel platforms & staircases
  • Crane frames/beams and other lifting equipment 
  • Warehouses, pump stations, control rooms etc. (all manufactured from steel)
  • Hand railing & fencing
  • Special entrance (security) gates
  • Canal rubbish traps
  • Sluices (wall type)
  • Screens (trash racks)
  • Steel -pipes & -specials (various sizes)
  • Steel tanks (clarifiers, flocculators etc)

Control Testing Undertaken:

  • Pressure test certificates on request
  • X-ray tests on request of all welding (external)
  • NDT Dye-pen testing done on all welds
  • Load tests on request
Bellmouth and rail replacement for wall sluices - 2nd Falls dam
Bellmouth and rail replacement for wall sluices - 2nd Falls dam
Caisson installation - Darlington dam
Caisson installation - Darlington dam
Manufacture and install enclosure for intake tower - Xonxa dam
Manufacture and install enclosure for intake tower - Xonxa dam
Manufactured and install stainless grating in canal - Patensie
Manufactured and install stainless grating in canal - Patensie
Manufacture and Installation of tanks and roof structure Debe WTW
Manufacture and Installation of tanks and roof structure Debe WTW
Manufacture and installation of new crane structure - Collywobbles dam
Manufacture and installation of new crane structure - Collywobbles dam
Manufacture and install Staircase - Laing dam
Manufacture and install Staircase - Laing dam
Manufactured and installed safety gates - Laing dam
Manufactured and installed safety gates - Laing dam
New pipe installation in valve chamber - Cata dam
New pipe installation in valve chamber - Cata dam
Pumps and valve installation-1
Pumps and valve installation-1
Ringfollower valve refurbishment - Lubisi dam
Ringfollower valve refurbishment - Lubisi dam
Storage platform for sluice gates - Bulshoek dam
Storage platform for sluice gates - Bulshoek dam
Stainless steel platforms and ladders installation - Gcuwa dam
Stainless steel platforms and ladders installation - Gcuwa dam